Lesbian Cosmos...Our Story

Lesbian Cosmos is a space dedicated to pure and simple lesbian love. Here, you’ll read about the relationships and experiences of women who love women. In our collection of books, and other literature, you'll find your favorite reading or a gift for yourself or your loved ones.

Love is open for everyone, and no gender barriers can ever hold it back. It’s the most beautiful thing in the world and is there for the taking.

Many are those who express their love through the written word, in the shape of books, postcards, or any other form. You are more than welcome to check out our site and see what tickles your fancy, in more ways than one.

Go through the blog and have a read. I’m sure you’ll find something interesting to grab your attention.

My name is Drew Aubrey, and I’ve been meaning to set up a similar space, or cosmos for lesbians for an eternity. The time has finally come for me to take a seat, and do something about it.

At the end of the day, Lesbiancosmos.com has been born.

Drop me a line at: drew@lesbiancosmos.com

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You can also connect with me here…

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